Dr. Williams has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and is Board Certified in Clinical Psychology (ABPP). He is a graduate of both the University of Michigan and United States International University. He is a Licensed Psychologist here in Michigan. He is listed in the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology. He is a member of the American Psychological Association and a member of the McLaren Northern Michigan Hospital. As Clinical Director, Dr. Williams focuses his practice here at Delta Family Clinic South PC on psychodiagnostic testing of children, adolescents, and adults. He conducts assessments for: diagnostic clarification, learning disabilities (such as AD/HD), Neuropsychological disorders (such as head injuries, toxic exposures including toxic lead exposures, and neurodevelopment disorders) and pre-surgical qualifications for bariatric surgery, spinal implants, organ transplants, and plastics or cosmetic surgery.